Thursday, December 16, 2004


hmm.. still remembered i said bout the dun like army stuff.. wanna ord and get the hell out of there, neber look back.. well.. now that i have gotten my 3, THREE!, weeks of holiday, booking in on 2jan, hmm.. i felt a bit, regretted about wad i said.. suddenly, really funny, i felt like going back to book in and enjoy camp life, be with my friends.. seems that wad i said was just in a fit of anger at being confined, that's all.. i said i not happy with some ppl, but now the unhappiness is gone, dunno why.. seems that i was just angry at being confined.. now i really miss my friends.. especially the ones i'm quite close with.. miss playing and talking and wadever with them.. hmmm.. now only 3 weeks of holiday, wonder when i ord, got so many days at home til ord, how i will ever get by w/o them.. dunno why but got a lot of feelings now.. haiz.. hope that when the holidays when i ord are gone, i will get to see them again in ntu.. of course with new friends.. now just.. hmm..

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