Sunday, April 01, 2007


so sian.. dunno wad to write.. lemme see.. i watched tmnt? not a veri nice show.. i watched pathfinder, even suckier show.. i ate sakura again, felt abit sick during eating, perhaps i ate too much unagi haha, so nice.. i ate cafe cartel pork ribs.. i went to some place in tpy with family eat some 'xue3 yu2 yan4', juz a coffeshop which 'specialises' in codfish.. had codfish head curry, and some others.. i went jb ytd, kuku yj actually forget to bring passport right at the immigration counter where we had to present our passports.. so sianz.. i went with oil first to jb lor, and there were so darn long queues at msia customs.. we ate secret recipe while waiting for her to come, but this time i had some coffee cake instead of cheesecake.. then she finally came after so long haha.. then we went plaza pelangi make specs, oil wanna make.. then ate some jap restaurant, i had chicken katsu with curry.. then went back cityhall, i was so late! late for 1 half hr.. haha.. then ate ichiban with d2.. not bad food with reasonable pricing.. can consider gg again.. somemore, the 2 jap restaurants stirred this salmon crave in me.. haha.. anyway i muz say, wo huai nian de is such a sad song, it makes me sad everytime i listen to it.. wad a wonderful song, with such big 起伏.. its such a hard song to sing, yet she managed it veri nicely.. anyway hope to go jb again for cheesecakes and ktv and movie and shopping and seafood and buy dvd again haha..

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