Saturday, June 30, 2007


i had my ict.. i realised i liked army life alot.. i missed army.. i miss it.. its fun definitely.. though quite slack and nothing to do for most of the time.. i was the driver, and i think driving is quite fun too.. oh, reminds me of my driving.. haiz, no time to learn sia..

before ict, i went jb again with jc gang on sat.. oh it was fun! had lunch at hongkong cafe, then went down to secret recipe, but i couldnt stomach down any cake.. then we walked ard, and i bought a berms.. then we went to holiday inn.. oh my, it was totally different frm that time i went with zy.. at tt time, there were many stalls selling original vcds on the outside, and when they saw prospective customers, they will beckon u into their secret door inside.. now, no more such stalls.. onli got maybe 5 ppl at the entrance, and when they see prospective customers, they will bring u to an ulu place at back shops, and the pirated vcds are inside.. haha.. then we went to haf seafood again.. we had 4 chilli crabs, venison, 'lala' aka clams, vegs, satays, soup, rice, fried mantou, drinks, and dunno wad else, for onli 22 ringit per pax.. haha..

i had my intersem.. it is fun, i muz say.. there are 2 presentations for singing, 1st is a song of ur own choice, 2nd is a song from 11 pieces by the teacher.. and there is also 1 powerpoint presentation, and an exam.. i juz sang mine on friday haha.. the lessons are quite interesting.. a veri gd choice for intersem haha..

oh, i watched transformers on the opening day, which was thursday.. wow.. it blew my hat off! it is the best movie so far, for this summer's onslaught of blockbusters.. its definitely much better than spidey3 and shrek3 and F4-2 and pirates3.. not onli me, june also said that.. then when i surfed forum, i realise that people were also saying how it overshone the other movies this summer.. wooo.. the onli grip i haf, is that they shouldnt haf changed megatron into a plane like starscream, it should haf remained as a laser cannon like in the cartoons.. nonetheless, its a great movie, with such great visual effects.. especially how the opening scene, Blackout, laid waste so easily to the army encampment.. its soooo cool.. haha.. read that there are going to be 2 more future sequels.. thats great! i love optimus prime!

and im currently giving tuition at woodlands and jurongeast tuition centre.. and i love giving tuition i realise! its so fun teaching the kids.. i get such great satisfaction when i noe that im helping them to understand how to solve the questions.. should haf started giving tuition earlier, like maybe last year, cos can earn more $ and gain satisfaction at the same time haha..

1 comment:

Jf said...

it's reali amazing how much more u can know a person when u read his/her blog..i know u for so long in fact, but every new entry u made never fail to make me find out more abt u..smhow, it also makes me realise how little it was i know abt u, even after all these years.. -_-'''