Thursday, September 06, 2007


hmm.. got quite lotsa things to update sia.. firstly, i received my 1st mth tuition pay, a measly $300 onli.. was $600, but deduct half for the tuition coordinators become onli $300.. even if $600 also veri little lor, about $13 per hr nia haiz.. but i still haf to stay on, cannot quit, cos kinda gave verbal agreement to teach til the kids exams, cos not good for the kids to keep changing teachers.. also, whenever i teach, i feel immersed in their world, forgetting bout the world im in.. its such a nice feeling mingling with the kids! haha.. they're so cute and interesting to be with! anyway, for teachers day, i was so surprised to receive a teachers day gift from a sec1 indian girl.. i realli din expect her to do that, though it was a simple gift, but she took the trouble to wrap it and gif it to me, a mere tuition teacher haha.. so nice! but last sunday, i damn suay! i reached the jurongeast center half hr earlier, onli to realise i did not bring the freaking key!!!! !@#$%.. in the end, i haf to take cab home, and back again.. wasted $30.. haiz.. how could i get so damn blur?!?!

jf came back from his usa work and travel program, after a few mths.. woot, see his blog, got so many nice pics of america.. im so going there after my last year exams haha.. think he wanna go again.. sl also haha.. he got me a ax belt which is a nice casual belt.. wa kaoz, though the food there is expensive ; cheapest fastfood meal at macdonalds is like USD7, but the 'branded' stuff there are damn cheap! a particular belt, which i bought at taka AX for $170, onli cost about SGD50 there!!! @#$%

met up for melvyn bdae as well.. we had dinner at the cine HK cafe again haha.. then we went to cuppage for billiard, then pool, then cs !! omg.. all the stupid, yet fun things i did when i was in sec sch.. same old cuppage haha..

for calvin bdae, we went to comex first on 1st sept sat.. i din gif tuition that day cos it was teacher's day! woot.. haha.. we went to comex and walk ard, and he bought a external hdd and thumbdrive.. then we went to sakura to haf buffet.. i ate sooo many ama ebi can.. those who dunno, its the japanese raw prawn.. i also ate many others, haha.. then we went to catch 'the last legion'.. it wasnt a veri nice show, after the likes of "300".. a veri average show..

anyway, i juz had my cheerobics first meeting.. in the end, i was chosen to be the cp.. i can foresee lotsa duties coming my way.. haha.. but i think its also fun.. i watched the videos on youtube, and realise that its a veri funfilled event.. i hope i can pull it off well.. haha..

since the start of this sem, i haf not studied any single f**k shit at all yet! im so deaded.. haiz.. and i haf skipped like, 20plus hrs of lectures?? haiz.. and i nv bother to look at online recordings.. juz cant find the time.. my time juz passes so fast for me!!! haiz.. i muz really pull up my socks le..

anyway, juz saw the news.. the famous 3 tenors, now left with 2 onli.. pavarotti has died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 71.. his voice is really amazing and powerful.. its a great loss for the musical classical world..

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