Saturday, March 29, 2008

my psp =)

Dear bloggy,

Sorry for not updating for soo long haha. Hmm, let me recall what had happened. That day so paiseh, watched The Spiderwick Chronicles with k, then we went to Marina South, wanting to take bus to eat at the steamboat places there, but the bus driver told us that that place is demolished for a few months le. Lol. We didn't know sia haha. I know it will be demolished, but didn't know it's done already haha. Then we went to Bugis to eat at the Chong Qing steamboat lol. I liked the mushrooms and fish! Heee. Anyway spiderwick is a nice fairytale movie, I liked it. Seems that I liked all the fairytales haha.

And I also bought psp! Wahahaha. Been thinking about it since last year, but the feeling was on and off. Finally bought it. Now, I can look forward to playing it after my boring work. Currently playing FF7 Crisis Core. Nice game! Haha. I also downloaded and bought many games, those ISO games. Got about 50 inside my collection now haha. Cant finish playing de lol.

This week is my opsmanning week. Prepared alot for it. Asked my mum to sew my uniforms, gotta sew 4 tag sia. Sianz. Then also went to neesoon camp buy some stuff which I couldn't get from online emart. I bought $180 from emart haha, juz splurged on alot of things.

Got activated today. So sianz. Gotta go back, and then let them check my fieldpack, and then fall out. Then me and loke and marshal and yonghe and zw was at yewtee foodcourt, we chatted very long about many things, and also had dinner haha. I'm looking forward to this june's ict =)

I also applied for hall 16 this morning. Yay! I wanna stay in hall! Soo shiok and happy haha. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.