Wednesday, April 08, 2009

End of Projects

Finally, I have come to end of projects for this final semester. After printing my report and binding it, I submitted to my moderator on monday afternoon. My FYP supervisor just needed the softcopy, but moderator wanted the printed copy. ZzZz. In any case, I have a demo tmr, and hope that it will go smoothly *wish*

Today was my Engineers & Society presentation. My group was the last group to present, and we had initially not wanted this slot as it was so freaking near to the exams, 1 week in fact. But we chose abit too late, so there wasn't any choice left. Anyway, it went pretty ok today, but the last member in our group, was basically just murmuring away. It was really so boring, and I could just imagine AP Jessica stop his 'self-conversation' lol. But I guess our group was still pretty ok, minimum should have a B. She also returned our assignment that was submitted right after the term break, and each question was graded and awarded to the individual member who did it. I got A+! Haha!

Just did some cleaning up of another project powerpoint slides and added in some stuff. Tmr is my demo, and I'm not sleeping yet. Argh. Next tuesday's my first paper! Gotta go into active mugger mode!


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