Saturday, December 25, 2004


hmm.. sun.. i remembered i burnt the xp sp2 cd for weiteck and met him at khatib mrt and passed it to him.. he brought his last year christmas present for his friend.. hahaz.. some handiwork which i find quite nice.. and he told me this year christmas she cannot spend the time with him cos she going out with her friends.. poor weiteck.. i helped him carry his stuff to his friend void deck and then went home cos i go his friend house also of no help.. might as well dun go..
4got wad i did on mon liaoz.. just slacking ard.. but tues i was busy with uninstalling my norton systemworks 2004 cos last day of subscription to the antivirus updates.. i remembered last year when i uninstall and reinstall again the subscription period renewed.. so i decided to try the same thing.. but this time round it din work.. haiz.. so i went to d/l install avg antivirus, but could not update and was bery slow, so i uninstall and tried antivir.. but got some cockup also.. in the end i kept reading reviews bout various antiviruses software, and tried avg again.. this time it was fast and could update.. i guess cos earlier on my internet connection went out so cannot update ba.. i also wasted a lot of time doing a lot of stuff on my com like trying out crapcleaner, and reinstalling norton systemworks w/o the antivirus cos i like the windoctor and diskdoctor and diskdefragmenter.. and i also in the evening read up alot on pc parts cos i going with my cousins to help them choose a new pc.. then i also talked crap with june a long while before resuming my searching of pc parts.. slept quite late, ard 3am..
woke up and went to yishun to meet june and ate the yishun nice hokkien mee with her for lunch.. took bus to queensway cos she shopping for a bag.. then we walk walk walk walk walk walk and in the end she bought a red adidas bag while i bought 2 shoes for 100bucks.. then we went to ikea which was nearby cos she said she wanted to buy some photoframes.. in the end we jus walked ard the whole of ikea.. legs so tired.. she neber really wanted to buy photoframe.. bluffme.. then was contemplating whether wanna still go town at taka to look at betta stuff to buy as christmas presents when we decided to just go have dinner.. walk to some hawker centre eat dinner then go home liaoz..
met my cousins at 11am at bugis mrt.. we went to the bugis hawker centre and ate sthg first before going sls.. then we went to fuwell and i acutally wanted to help them choose the athlon64 3200+sc939 processor, but too bad, all the combo for sc939 or 754 no stock.. either got mobo no processor, or got processor no mobo.. finally decided on the p4 3.0e.. haiz.. and after choosing the case and making payment, we walk walk looking at many lcd.. finally went back fuwell bought the philips 170c5bs.. i also bought one cos my bro wanted to buy one and my mum paying for it.. i also bought the altec lansing atp3 from fuwell for only 63.. hahaz.. after buying everything, we went down and ate sthg before taking a taxi back to their home in jurong.. then i did a full format of their hdd, and installed the os, and installed the hardware bundled software, and my own burnt cd of good, essential software.. they bought for me dinner cos i was doing till bery late.. then finally completed everything and they insisted on paying for my taxi fare cos it was 1145 already.. reach home and helped my bro install his lcd also.. dunno why so sleepy and tired liaoz still slept late; at about 3.. surfed net on more hardware stuff..
hmm.. my bro woke me up at 12.. quite a long time since he actually woke me up; usually is me wake him up 1.. hahaz.. really shag.. then surfed net a while and went with him to chong pang and collected our contact lens, then went to ssc and collected our preordered christmas food from giant.. took a cab home.. now really sianz.. later going down for a run, then maybe sleep.. still sleepy.. ~~~~~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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