Monday, October 10, 2005

woot.. another mth again.. wahahah

haha.. another mth again.. i remembered there was 1 day i wanted to blog, then stupid blogger say under maintenance.. haha..
sianz.. so bz and tiring these few days.. going to pass out on wednesday le.. big day.. so stressed.. so many things to do.. then on thurs, i just realised got quiz.. haiz.. after the quiz i gotta rush down to club momo for the camp babes.. gonna dance there for the event.. haha.. feel quite honoured to do so.. but i also very shag.. my studies are sooo far behind now.. i wonder if the 1mth is enough for me to catch up anot.. haiz.. really hope to get good results and pass with flying colours..
ytd after the course, i rush down to yew tee mrt for justus bday.. i think its onli appropriate to show up though i felt very tired and dun feel like doing so.. cos he invited me, and i should show face and turn up, else hard to communicate next time if the opportunity ever arises.. and im very thankful to soonlee.. he drove me and wm home.. even though i am really out of the way.. felt grateful to him.. think he really is my good friend.. but wm seems very cold to me.. i tink i should not be good friends with him.. he doesn't show anything at all to me that he regards me as his good friend..
i think i shouldn't bother bout such stuff.. got more impt things to do.. pop.. the dance.. exams.. haiz.. think i will ask marshal in the morning to go bishan gym, then after that study together ba.. haha.. not bad an idea.. but think i dun wan study with the rest le.. they all live out of the way.. i tot of a central place at woodlands library, but i think sl and marshal and loke can, but wm always say come bukit batok lar.. if he study also study at bb or jurong.. so i think i need not ask him.. he seems to have a grudge against me sia.. always like to sing opposite tune to me.. the artistes that i all like he juz like to say how bad they are.. dunno izzit me or izzit him..
argh im so bz and stressed.. can't wait for exams over then can enjoy my dec holidays !! whee..

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