Sunday, November 06, 2005

sorry blog !

soo sorry i always post 1 mth later.. ROFL.. been busy nowadays.. still remember there is this 'camp babes' thingy.. the agency for this pageant was also my agency.. then i supposed to go dance on that day de.. cos their events not that many, then they asked my agency to throw in 1 program, and my agency decided for a dance.. but, i got a CA that day, so i declined after accepting.. so bad.. haha.. then i tot on that day i dun need to go, but jude still asked my go down see.. sianz.. then after pop, still ask me go down EVERY sat to practise, for another upcoming pageant next year.. NTU Glass Slippers, queen of queens.. haha.. i then dun wan.. i wan stay home for my exams and personal stuff.. so i declined over sms.. and i din wan to pick up his call as well.. todae he sms and called me again, but i ignore all of them.. hehe..
juz went out todae to study in the morning with marshal and wm, cos afternoon 3pm got stefanie's autograph session at IMM.. she won big awards last night at jin qu jiang.. haha.. happy for her.. then todae i see her in real life, i guess she's really sooo very sweetlooking.. especially her smile, really captivating..
now i feeling abit sianz.. cos i gotta study for exams, which is a bore.. my first paper, maths, i screwed up.. sianz.. hope can pass and not retake again next sem.. and i got some other stuff to do also sianz.. next year jan 14 got stef concert! last 1 was 3 sided stage, this time it's 4 sided!.. haha.. see how ba.. either i go with army friends or ck..

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