Monday, November 28, 2005


ytd was wm bday.. i woke up liao, went maple alittle.. then i switched off my pc and changed and went out.. to plaza singapura to collect wm bday ice cream cake.. supposed to order and collect at marina square de, where we will be eating at carl's jr.. but then, the swensen over there dun offer wording on the cake, so i decided to collect at ps instead.. after collecting, i went over to carl's jr and put my cake there.. then i walked all the way back to city hall mrt again and took the mrt to novena where we will be meeting to go visit xx together cos he in hospital for some virus.. wah tiring sia, walk back and forth.. infact i in aircon place the whole time and still i sweated.. lol.. then visit xx liao we go eat carl jr, then i brought out the cake as a surprise for wm.. then took some fotos and we eat cake.. then we walk walk talk cock abit then go home liao..
reach home i maple awhile.. then go sleep..
todae i went to the pool, wah wasted.. no sun haha.. then i went home and changed and went to the gym.. then bought lunch for dad and bro.. then bathe and slack til now..
tmr gg to eat vienna with wm and watch zathura also.. i tink i buying shoes for him as present lor.. those not so ex canvass shoes.. he tmr night after eating with me, at night still eating with family.. and ytd he eat finish carl jr and ice cream cake, go home eat family tiramisu cake again.. tonight he went eat with jc class.. wah wonder how his stomach can take it.. lol..
tues gg with marshal to buy his new pc, then wed i treating mum eat lunch cos its her bday !! then maybe watch harry potter with weiteck sintat and wm.. thurs still gotta go sch for meeting haiz.. sianz.. tts it.. prepare go watch VAMPIRE liao !! haha..

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