Wednesday, January 31, 2007

fraGility.. ~~

haiz.. life is so fragile.. after finishing 1 litre of tears, i felt that its really a fortune for us to be able to walk, jump, run, move about like normal ppl.. in fact, like wad the poor girl said when she put her hand to her chest, " i am already satisfied, for my heart is still beating "
haiz.. she couldnt predict that misfortune that befell her so suddenly and out of the blue.. that was a real tear jerker.. and also, juz this week, on sunday night, xu wei lun died too due to a car accident.. i read on newspapers that she suffered huge impact to her face and chest, resulting in bloatedness.. and died soon after on sunday 28jan 7.37pm.. life's so fragile.. we muz start to appreciate everything, and really EVERYTHING, before all is lost..
some kind of feeling juz overwhelmed me the other day, when my mum came back from J8 and showed me a new esprit red jacket.. she was beaming with joy, and said " i am so happy, this is the first time i bought a branded clothing " .. sighz.. i dun even think that esprit is branded, but to her, it is already branded, bought it for $60 plus.. she saw it in my bro's room which belong to his new gf, and went out to buy.. i muz strive for high income in future, to make my family happy.. buy more stuff and clothes or whatever that pleases them, and make them happy and enjoy the most of their retirement, before their inevitable departure from this world..
lets appreciate everything ard us..

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