Sunday, February 25, 2007


spent about $400 for my shopping before cny.. that was really alot.. the most i haf ever spent for any thing.. haiz.. i muz really save..
cny was boring.. same old boring cny every year.. but at least got to play some billiard finally after so long nv play on 2nd day of cny haha..
also caught epic movie.. super uber lame show.. how can any show be so lame.. hahaha.. laugh my guts out..
then there was becks bdae party at pariss.. i think pariss seriously sucks.. it used to be ok, now its standard has taken a nosedive.. muz avoid there from now on..
been regretting alot of stuff lately.. keep thinking bout e past.. beginning to feel that im living in e past already.. hai.. how can ppl compensate for something that they regret? really dunno.. guess the easiest way is to be an 'ostrich' or 'turtle'.. hahaha..

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