Saturday, September 06, 2008

busy busy

Been so busy with so many stuff recently.. There's just endless things to do: quiz, assignments, projects (hrm!!), and others. Sianz. I want a breather and just relax like 1st three years lol.. Not getting enuff sleep these few days; been sleeping only 4-5 hrs daily.. Haiz..

Just came back from drumzout meeting. This isn't an official meeting; just impromptu 1, just to get to know each other. Then after that, we went city harvest for supper, and now I'm back.

I wanna play some nice games, like the upcoming Fallout 3!! It's coming out on 28th oct, and I will almost definitely get it and play throughout the december holidays. I played fallout and fallout 2 before, a couple of times in fact. It's such a good game, it's the best game series in my life haha. Then there is Diablo 3 coming up, and though there isn't any official release date, but I'm guessing it will be either next year last quarter, or early 2010 ba haha. Such superbly designed graphics! I used to play this so much in my sec sch days, I won't give this a miss for sure haha. But I'm gonna need either a spanking new and fast pc, or a good graphics card before I can play this.. My pc's kinda old liao haha..

Sian, tmr got hrm meeting again. Every weekend also must meet. Sighz.

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