Thursday, August 21, 2008

oh my gosh!

wa wa wa! I have not updated my bloggie for soooo long!! Die le haha. Sighz, been so busy lately ba.. I also not sure what to write, or how to begin now lol..

Hmmm, let's start from where I last left off =) My IA was pretty good. Learnt abit about web programming, but it's still so little, I think I'm a complete noob at web designing sighz. In any case, my sup n fellow colleagues treated me to northpoint's sakae sushi as a farewell lunch.. So good sia haha.. It was a pretty ex lunch, about $90 for 4 people. But of course I didn't pay lol. But I also got a chocolate gift from taka for my sup haha. And, last but not least, I'm glad I got A- for my IA haha. Wo0t!

Then after that, it was juz a busy week of preparing for my DrumZout event haha. Got so much stuff to settle, and to coordinate. Then came a crushing moment: my dad who had fever for a week, still didn't feel better after that previous week, and had difficulty breathing, and finally, I advised him to be hospitalized on a particular sunday, the sunday just before DrumZout. The diagnosis was that he had pneumonia, and on the 2nd day he was admitted, the nurse called and informed us that he had a severe case of pneumonia, and will be changed to icu if the condition doesn't improve over the next few days. We had originally thought it was dengue fever, but it wasn't. It must be due to his smoking!!! In any case, my mum was veri worried, and took about 2 weeks off, to visit him and accompany him everyday in hospital. Whenever my dad breathe, you could hear the very very noisy hissing watery sound emitting from his chest. He looked so weak and frail. I had to go visit my dad with my mum everyday as well, so that my mum wouldn't be so lonely; she needed the support from me and my bro. I had no choice, but to inform my committee that I might not be able to make it for drumzout, n might haf to quit, cos I don't haf that much time to commit with my dad still in hospital. But luckily, the more major stuff had been completed, and was left w a bit of loose details only.

After a few days, my dad condition improved, and I was relieved. In the end, I went for DrumZout yay haha. I was there on saturday night, for the setting up of the stage n other stuff. Then, jy n gincent n me stayed overnight to look after the stuff, n I went home to change a bathe on sunday morning about 7am. DrumZout was a great success eventually, with the immensely exciting atmosphere, n the overly enthusiastic crowd! Haha.

My dad was eventually discharged from hospital after about 8 days. I then had to go for reservist on thursday. We got to book out on fri night, so good haha. Then the following monday, it was outfield for us, which lasted 3 days 2 nights haha. And on thurs evening, we got to book out to go home and keep our belongings, but I didn't go home; instead I took a cab to ntu medical centre, to get an endorsement for change of halls haha. Stupid hall office give me hall 11, sooooooo sucky. The doctor was veri anal about it, n only after some twisting of words n persuasion by me, did he reluctantly help me w it. Then on fri, after my reservist had ended, I took a cab again back to ntu to submit my medical memo to the 2 offices. And, the next day (saturday), I flew off to thailand for my wonderful trip!

Wow, when I arrived at the airport, we first took buses to kanchanaburi, n had a late meal there, before settling down in a guest house. It only costs 150B per night, which translates to only about $6 per night haha. We went to the erawan waterfalls, open safari zoo, floating market, hellfire museum, death railway, jeath war museum, etc, in kanchanaburi. Then we went to ayutthaya, whereby we visited temples mainly. And then it was sukhothai, which were also temples. Next up was chiang mai, whereby we did half hr of elephant riding, whitewater rafting, n bamboo rafting. Wow, it was fun haha. We also walked the night market over there.. So interesting sia haha. Afterwards, we went to Pai, in mae hong son, which was high up in the hills. It was different from the rest of thailand, in the sense that it was much cooler, n it's so touristy that there are probably more Caucasians than locals lol. Previously, we were biking around the different states, getting much exercise. Now in Pai, we rented an automatic motorbike, which was way cooler haha. Over at Pai, the most interesting has got to be the natural hot spring, which was really so hot you can see the mist! Haha.. There was also a canyon there too. Finally, we went back down to Bangkok, whereby we visited the grand palace n emerald buddha foc, cos we acted as if we were locals instead of tourists haha! That place was really grand, with sooooo many tourists. We went to patpong night market, silom night market, platinum shopping centre, ma boon krong shopping centre, and chat tu chak market. We also went to a snake farm, and watched 2 movies haha. The food over in thailand was also pretty nice too! And not forgetting cheap haha.. After the trip, I spent quite some time uploading the nice pics into facebook lol..

After the trip, it was FOC again for me haha. This time, I am attached to Thyra, thereby the 4 gls were all from the previous year's pollia lol! It was another fun week of FOC for me again, and also the last, as this was my final yr le =( After the foc, I had a movie outing w them, whereby we watched The Mummy at JP. Then, I also had a JC class gathering at vivo's Modesto's before school opened. I moved into hall on the friday before sch started, and yay, i got what i wanted! haha.

Now that sch has started, its sooo busy for me.. with sooo many projects! fyp, hrm, prof comm, web application design, computer security assignment, and finally driving lessons. Sighz..

Never mind, things will work out eventually haha ;p

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