Thursday, December 15, 2005


tues i sms those ppl who i haven ask yet for the foc bbq whether they gg anot.. i gave them 1 day to reply but still quite many of them nv reply.. then wed morning i online liao ask wm msn cos he nv reply also.. zzzzz... then he say cos he say before liao, then i also ok lor, anything.. then he ask me go watch kingkong.. in the end onli got he mi sl yh 4 ppl nia haha..
wm actually arrive early by 10 minutes, while sl and yh were both quite late, and i was late 7 min i tink.. to tink that wm has actually changed to be punctual liao, i tink i have to do tt also, cannot always be late.. tw tt time also say, go out with me, the timing mus add extra 15min, cos i sure late de.. wahah.. i tink i muz change, next time become i arrive 10 minutes earlier for any thing that pops up..
and ya, i tot this movie sl organise de, but it turns out to be wm sia.. so rare.. lol.. i tink its cos last time i casually say he nv organise anything de, then he go organise this show cos i seem very enthusiastic bout it.. haha.. i tot he will watch this show with his frenz de, cos he seems to onli watch nicer shows with his frenz, but this show never.. haha.. so though i haf another kingkong movie this fri, i also go watch with him and the rest..
then i see yh again.. wah se.. he still same as a few weeks before.. nv shave or cut his hair short.. so uncouth and dirty.. and his t shirt and pants, where is his dress sense ?? last time army anyhow wear ok la, now come out liao, muz learn to groom oneself properly mah.. liddat ppl dun feel like staying around u de.. haha.. it's a form of self respect and respect to others as well.. even though i know him, i also wun feel like staying near him de.. its juz a mismatch of dresscode, others see liao i also paiseh.. haha.. i seem to be vain here, but well, who can say dey are entirely not vain at all ? everybody willl haf that vainity in him or her, no matter how much or how little it is.. and i tink its not a bad thing, in fact its a good thing.. for u are respecting the very life ur parents give u, and u wun feel regretful when u become old 1 day, and look back at the young pictures u took.. ahh, the sense of satisfaction and warmth that u haf not wasted ur youth..
and sl todae again as crappy as usual, but i tink i also learning quite alot liao.. tink he's jedi master, while im still a padawan, but slowly, i will become a greater master than him de.. lol..
the show was draggy at the start and end, but middle part was very interesting.. especially when kingkong fight 3 t-rex, then fight 1 final t-rex.. he grab the t-rex mouth, and ripped it open, and the t-rex died instantaneously.. then kingkong still open and close the mouth as if checking if it's really dead anot and playing with it like a toy.. haha.. so cute !!!
there was this part, where the female lead character was dancing and doing stunts for kingkong to see, and kingkong seemed very happy, and when she stopped, and say 'no more!', kingkong also copied her and show her unhappiness.. then he run off.. then when he finally saved her frm the 3 t-rex stomach, he also show abit of attitude to her, as if not happy with her not playing with him or wad, but still he sort of forgived her and bring her up to some top hill.. then when the guy and the girl held on the the huge bat legs and flew off, kingkong was very very angry, cos the onli thing he treasured was taken frm him, and thats why he chased so far after her.. i tink kingkong is really like a normal human being, with all the senses and feelings all exposed, without any hiding or hypocrisy.. if onli everyone was like that.. kingkong reminded of myself, i also like to be angry and show attitude, then wait for ppl to come sayang me and comfort me, try to make me happy.. wah i sound like a kid, but i really enjoy that feeling, and i tink its not bad at all.. cos if u remain young at heart, even if ur body grow old, ur mind and soul is still young, and u live longer!.. haha.. seem to be debating that being kiddish is good.. lol.. but after the many lessons at shine with jude, i have learnt that a person cannot always receive, 1 muz give at the same time.. in fact, giving brings u more joy than receiving, cos u get to see the loved ones become happy, and that makes u happy as well.. rather than u 1 person happy, and others unhappy..
after show, we went eat pastamania and yakun, then go home liao...
todae went for the meeting, then after the meeting, i went with andrea to cafe by the quad, a cafe in ntu, and eat blueberry cheescake, apple crumble, and cookie with coffee for lunch.. cos i work up at 1115am and came straight to meeting.. haha.. then after that i went with her to the pasar malam at boon lay mrt walk walk, then we saw adrian and lifei at the mrt, and we went home together, but andrea stay behind at jp waiting for her parents..
on the mrt, cos lifei stay woodlands, so we took the same train, but adrian took to bugis to settle some foc financial stuff.. chatted abit with her, and alas, she is another 1 who tell me that, when she came for interview and saw my bleached hair that time, she tot i muz be some siao on guy applying for cgl.. haha.. and she say i look very dao and attitude and angry, haiz, i always give tt impression to strangers, but she say after knowing me, dun find me dao anymore la.. haha.. i tink is because of my prominent cheekbones ba, that make me quite angry looking, cos it seems like this person is gritting his teeth angrily at something, thus the cheekbones poke out.. haha.. but i nv grit at all, cos i dun wan my teeth to get corroded at such a young age.. haha..
kk shall end here.. tada``~~~~

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