Thursday, December 01, 2005

mars bday

hiakz.. so sianz.. dunno wad and how also.. mars bday on mon, and i wanted to have celebration with some others on tt day.. but wm has another friend bday on tt same day also, so might change to sunday.. but then again, i scared my jc movie on sun also.. hiakz.. or maybe i just forget about the celebration and treat mars eat on mon? simple haha..
then the foc canvassing thingy, sighz.. so few response frm the gls.. about half very buay on, onli a handful replied my sms.. 3 others i had to ask on msn.. and others i havent ask yet.. i guess i shan't chase after them.. since they no passion, i also dun force them.. no point also.. they no passion shldnt have join in the first place.. i made it clear that we had to do canvassing liao.. and they promised also, and now eating their own words.. wad ppl sia..
sianz tues have to go interview at the wildwildwet then go bbq at night.. the main comm having ktv session at cine kbox.. i wan go!.. haha.. next time ba..

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